It's New Year's Eve and many people are making resolutions. For a lot of us our resolutions are all about becoming healthier: exercising more, eating better and once and for all giving up smoking or drinking too much.
Yesterday's post defined what tips a social drinker over into the realm of problem drinking.
...the line between social drinking and problem drinking can be very thin.
The line between problem drinking and alcoholism is thinner still.
As you've probably heard before, no one starts out drinking or smoking to become addicted. We all have this incredible ability to deny the reality: That it can happen to us.
Alcohol abuse, or problem drinking, is basically unhealthy or dangerous drinking, such as drinking every day or drinking too much at a time. Problem drinking can destroy your relationships, cause you to miss work, risk getting fired and lead to legal problems like getting pulled over by the cops for a DUI. When you abuse alcohol, you continue to drink even though you know it's causing problems.
If you continue to abuse alcohol, it can, and very likely will, lead to alcohol dependence. Alcohol dependence is alcoholism. You are physically and/or mentally addicted to the alcohol. Your body needs it to function. You experience this by having a strong need to drink. You feel like you must drink just to get by.
According to the experts, you are dependent on alcohol if you have three or more of the following problems:
Continue reading "10 Ways To Tell Problem Drinking From Alcoholism" »
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