« On the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, the Serenity of a Good Ride | Main | Riding and My Right Brain »


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Amy Jo Lauber

I appreciate your honesty and humility. Funny you talk about hobbies, I tend to mine as often as I can but know many who do not...and subsequently resent everyone and everything in their lives.
Self care is NOT the same as selfish. Mother Teresa said something to the effect of, "If you want the lamp to keep burning, you have to put oil in it."


For the past year I have been going through a rough time with a teenage daughter. I used to go to the barn, clean stalls and ride both of my horses, but the more stressful my family life became I just did the minimal cleaning and left the barn. I know once I get up on the horse I forget everything going on, but it is difficult to make myself get get up there. It is amazing the therapeutic value these creatures have and I will never give them up - I will fight through this with their help!

Dr. Aletta

Hi, Leslie, I hope you are riding again now, but even if you haven't been able to, I understand the comfort you get from just minimal contact with the horses. Since this article was written I too have gotten a lot of comfort simply but showing up periodically at the barn, rubbing Annie down, smelling the wonderful barn smells and then leaving. Recently I got back in the saddle in a small but significant way. Maybe you can relate to what I wrote. http://draletta.typepad.com/my_horse_is_my_therapist/2014/07/back-in-the-saddle.html

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